Thursday, July 11, 2013

Find Your Beach

Beaches and BBQs

We’ve started our exploration of all the nooks and crannies of Branford, already finding some serious gems. A few things I am hoping to discover in this little town include a local watering hole, some sort of market for produce, a restaurant for special occasions and a brand-new hair stylist. So far, I can check one off the list. I had an appointment with Nicole at Salon Massimo downtown, and I fell in love with the stylish hairdressers, premium products and all-over feminine feel (not to mention the fact that Nicole and I share a last name – fate!)

We also discovered the tiny cove of Branford Point Beach, which, thanks to our brand-new resident stickers, we are now welcome at. The small sandy area feeds into the Long Island Sound and is right next to a marina, which allows for prime boat-watching (slash drooling).
It feels like we're still eating leftovers.
 We invited some family over for the fourth, and though the heat wave in Connecticut forced us to spend a little less beach time and a little more AC time than we would have liked, it was still fab to show off our new apartment and
have a big family dinner.

And the best part was spending some time with my favorite two-year-old , Colin.


  1. Colin just keeps getting cuter. Loving the blog, keep it up! =)

  2. Can't wait to visit you guys this weekend!!! :)
