Monday, July 28, 2014

Eat, Drink & Get Engaged!

To say that we’ve had a good year so far is to put it quite mildly. To date, I’ve had one new niece, two fabulous weddings, three relaxing vacations, and lots and lots of bubbly to celebrate one very special engagement: ours!
 But, as I’ve been not-so-gently reminded, these milestones are not a part of Bubbly – until now. Below are some snaps of 2014 in review (thus far).

4.29.2014 Engaged! [Home]
Four generations of fancy [Westfield, MA]

Here’s hoping that the next half of the year is as full of love and celebrations as the first!

My babes in the sand [Cape Cod 2014]
Waiting for Penny! [Cohasset, MA]

Bridesmaids! [NYC ]
Celebrating Sarah & Graham [Moraine Farm, MA]

*True love and lobsters foreva. 10.17.2015*